
Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Family, Youth and Children

Family, Youth and Children CatholicCare

Supporting you and your family through the challenges of relationships, parenting and separation.

We have professional and compassionate teams for counselling, education, emotional support and practical strategies. Our mission is to help individuals, couples and families through life's testing times.

Our services are caring, confidential and tailored to suit your unique situation

Parenting CatholicCare

Helping parents manage the challenges of parenting and develop positive relationships with their children.

Counselling CatholicCare

Professional counselling and support for individuals, couples and their families in locations across Sydney.

Schools CatholicCare

In partnership with Sydney Catholic Schools, we provide counselling in Catholic Schools to help children and young people learn and flourish.

Marriage and relationships CatholicCare

Paving the way for a happy future, we provide pre-marriage education and relationship enrichment for couples.

Family conflict and separation CatholicCare

We can help you and your family through the stresses of separation with professional mediation and counselling.

Foster care and youth support CatholicCare

Our youth services are there to help children and young people grow and thrive within a loving home.


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